
Literary & Trivia club of The UAB.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Quiz # 1.2 Ram ( Trivia) + Balaji ( olympics) 

Here are questions from the Olympics round.

1) 1n 1896 something unique happened in regards to awarding medals.

2) Which two new things were introduced for the first time in 1912 Stockholm Olympics.

3) What happened for the first time in Olmpic history in 2000 Syndey

4) Funda behind Marathon.

5) Another Marathon based question. why is the official distance of a marathon exactly 26 miles, 385 yards?

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Ram's questions on general Trivia will be added soon.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Quiz # 1.1 (Sunil) & Tinto (Ram) 

No specific rounds - 30 Qs.

1) Name the space mission that recently became the first to orbit the Saturn?   Cassini-Huygens Mission
2) Name the kitchen design that forms the basis of the modern built-in kitchen. It was first used in 1926 and was the idea of an Austrian woman architect.   Frankfurt Kitchen
3) The movie title 'Fahrenheit 9/11' refers to which novel by author Ray Bradbury?   Fahrenheit 451
4) This is the mechanical precursor to the electronic calculator and was widely used till the 1970s. (It consisted of three interlocking calibrated strips)   Slide Rule
5) Name the famous Japanese movie which inspired Sholay. Name its director.   The Seven Samurai, Akira Kurosawa

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