
Literary & Trivia club of The UAB.

Monday, March 14, 2005


Welcome to the blog of the literary & trivia club @ UAB.

After a brief summer break, we are back again with the quizzes. The quiz numbering system has been changed to reflect this. The posts are a log of the trivia that we exchanged, and have been sorted by date (of the session).

Any additional and related trivia can be posted as comments to the posts. I suppose all the disagreements over the facts can also be chronicled here.

The entire blog has been cleaned up, so now it is scroll friendly. The archives are organized by month, so the remaining quizzes can be found there. You can find the links in the side bar.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Quiz # 1.7 : Ram 

A sort quiz with questions picked from mailing lists and groups on the net. We also followed up with some "Technical Terms" Dumb-C and a "Glider" building session. FUN.

Which literary work starts with these lines?
"CAMELOT -- Camelot," said I to myself. "I don't seem to remember hearing of it before. Name of the asylum, likely." It was a soft, reposeful summer landscape, as lovely as a dream, and as lonesome as Sunday. The air was full of the smell of flowers, and the buzzing of insects, and the twittering of birds, and there were no people, no wagons, there was no stir of life, nothing going on.

A: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

A courtier in some European countries during the Middle Ages was in charge of keeping the horses of his lord. He had a specific title in Latin which gave rise to this common English word. What is it?

A: Constable

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Glider Building Workshop :)

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